Data Protection Officer As-a-Service
Veneto Privacy provides outsourced Data Protection As-a-Service for organisations and business as a part of our service offering. The outsourcing of the Data Protection Officer has a number of benefits, allowing your business to focus on key business objectives.
Objective and truly independent assessment of data privacy risk
Global world-view of practical remedies and risk mitigations based on our wide ranging industry experience
Cost effective approach where perhaps an internal resource is not available to take on the DPO role
We have in place the internal tools and governance frameworks to start enabling compliance from day one
We fulfill all duties and obligations of the DPO and coordinate closely with senior leadership and liaise with data subjects and the Data Protection Commission and other competent authorities in the bloc.
The keys tasks our DPO service provides:
Informing and advising your organisation & its employees of their data protection obligations under the GDPR;
Monitoring your organisation’s compliance with the GDPR based on your internal data protection policies and procedures. This includes monitoring of management responsibilities, training and awareness, of employees involved in processing operations.
Ensuring that DPIAs (data protection impact assessments) are conducted where required and risk identified are mitigated.
Serving as the contact point to any data protection authority within the EU for all data protection issues, queries including data breach reporting
Serving as the contact point for individuals (data subjects) on privacy matters, including subject access requests.